Monday 27 November 2017

Ten steps to succes on your L2 Finance online assesment this term

Dear Year 12 & 10

this is the page that will help you learn all the key terms, equations and the TEN topics that you have studies in this unit.  Feel free to use it wisely.

Can I suggest that you start by doing the RAG rated self assessment of where you think tou are first by clicking on the link here. That will help you focus your mind on things you do need to spend more time on and save you wasting time on stuff you don't.

Year 12 Your exam will be at the end of Week 10 lesson time TBC but it will be in one of our timetabled lessons that Friday.

Year 10 your exam will be in the penultimate week of this term (the week before the last week and likewise that will be in one of our timetabled lessons alos.
  1. Key Equations that you need to know as your not given them in the online assessment
  2. Fixed costs, variable costs and total costs
  3. Costs Revenue and how to make and improve profits see BBC video here
  4. Business Tools - Calculating the Brake Even Point 
  5. Cash flow forecasting
  6. Profit and Loss Accounts (AKA Income Statements)
  7. Budgeting
  8. Sources of Finance available to a business
  9. Balance Sheets (AKA Financial Statement)
  10. PowerPoint of all key topics is here

A workbook of resources and a workbook of questions is also available on student shared and as these a purchased resources I cant really post them to here! 

I have created you a revision PowerPoint here which covers all topics!

Student shared/BTECL2/Yr102017-18/Unit 2 Finance Exam and select from revision guide, revision workbook and workbook answers

and once you have got your head around the main topics why not try the online assessment by clicking  here

I do hope that you use it as it is very much what you do now that's important if you want to do well in this assessment this term as this will be an entire unit in the bag if you do and no resits which will cost you money!

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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