Wednesday 21 March 2018

P1 Considering the local and national factors that impact on a business start up

Dear Year 10

We are now entering the final stage of  the PASS tasks for Unit 1

P1 asks you to consider the local and national factors.  The business environment that a business needs to be able to understand and deal with if it will be successful.

This is your Presentation that will inform your audience about national and local factors in the business environment and how they affect a start up business.  I am not expecting you to present this but is does need to be a powerpoint and the resources below are designed to help and support a successful outcome:

P1 Outline how the business environment can impact on a start up business
Local Factors to consider
Local factors powerpoint - you will probably notice its full of visual examples to support the points you make

Local factors structure guide or blank template

This resource might help in terms of considering the LOCAL FACTORS and location here and here

National Factors to consider

National factors powerpoint
National factors structure guide

This resource might help in considering the NATIONAL FACTORS here

Some more political factors to consider here

Don't stop here - aim for that B grade

For those looking to gain a MERIT on this Unit 1 here is your extension challenge for this piece of work:

M1 Explain how changes in the current business environment are likely to impact on a start up business

Top Tips from the Exam Board

"Learner needs to outline how the business environment can impact on a start-up business"

To do this properly you need to do some research and make sure that you include the references for it.

Where to research and find information:
Sources of information, e.g. broadsheet and local newspapers, professional and trade
journals, websites, business networking organisations

Make sure that the sources you use are reliable and unbiased

This resource here is a summary of what changed in the last budget.  Have a read and identify anything that might impact negatively or be some support when you consider launching your business

Don't forget to include a discussion on the impact of these factors that you identify on your selected group of customers that you intend to target if they are relevant to your business proposition

The deadline for this P1 M1 is Wednesday 28th March 2018

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