Tuesday 28 November 2017

P5 Business Report for Potential Investors

Dear Year 12 L2ers

These are done on the same piece of work called “Report for Investors”

It has a range of tasks on it so you may want to break it down and feed bit by bit instead of giving them the full thing and scaring them!
We had issues with plagiarism in the first table (business formats) in the first year we delivered it but no issues this year as they were warned!

This part of the report expects you to be able to explain the different legal structures, the advantages and disadvantages of each and eventually make a decision what legal structure your business idea will operate so:

  1. What is a SOLE TRADER? - Advantages and Disadvantages and give some examples.
  2. What is a PARTNERSHIP - Advantages and Disadvantages and give some examples.
  3. What is an Private Limited Company (LTD) - Advantages and Disadvantages and give some examples.
  4. What is a PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (PLC) - Advantages and Disadvantages and give some examples.
  5. What is a SOCIAL ENTERPRISE - Advantages and Disadvantages and give some examples.
Issue date: Tuesday 28th November 2017
Hand in date: Friday 8th December 2017 3pm


Mr T

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