Well can you keep up the pace?
Inspired by you I have stayed with the lesson outline "to feed your hunger" for learning but don't think you can cherry pick the best bits you will be getting to enjoy it all. The a la carte comment means that you just get to pick the order ! Feel free to give me feedback on what you'd like more and less of as we grow!
Starter - A la carte
Main Course (a la Carte)
Activity 1 - Class notes - subject knowledge from PowerPoint on student shared (lesson 3 Product trial and repeat purchase TTH)
Activity 2 - How would you launch a product - pick a product and pick a marketer from the classroom
Activity 3 - Marketing Activity with a partner- Cadburys Needs You
This weeks 'Exit Ticket' click here
Homework - repeat !
Malvern Safari Park click here
Starter - A la carte
Homework from last week
EXTENSION for this week because because because because I was a muppet!
Self and peer reflection on homework from last lesson - the power of verbal feedback!
Self and peer reflection on homework from last lesson - the power of verbal feedback!
Recall from last week. Can you STILL match the sampling method click here and mark it so
you know that its correct and rank it for most difficulty and costly 1= difficult and costly 4 =
easy and cheap to do (this is for you A*)
Last weeks HOT News - Current Affairs Business Quiz - missed from lesson so why not try
anyway and see how good your current affairs knowledge is!
you know that its correct and rank it for most difficulty and costly 1= difficult and costly 4 =
easy and cheap to do (this is for you A*)
Last weeks HOT News - Current Affairs Business Quiz - missed from lesson so why not try
anyway and see how good your current affairs knowledge is!
Activity 1 - Class notes - subject knowledge from PowerPoint on student shared (lesson 3 Product trial and repeat purchase TTH)
Activity 2 - How would you launch a product - pick a product and pick a marketer from the classroom
Activity 3 - Marketing Activity with a partner- Cadburys Needs You
This weeks 'Exit Ticket' click here
Homework - repeat !
Malvern Safari Park click here
I've added a little writing frame here to plan your answer and to guarantee our 100% A* to B as well as an exam assistant template for building your confidence with understanding the command word on IDENTIFY and EXPLAIN and ASSESS so use these tools wisely and remember what it helps you to do as it won't be available in the exam in 133 days from now!
Due date 4th October 2017 P3 or BEFORE !
I hope you enjoy the lesson today as much as I did planning and facilitating it!
Out of interest was it a 1 - Outstanding 2 - Good enough 3 - needs more planning and inspiration or 4 - Pants!
Until next week when we start with the recap of this weeks work here. Also remember to look at your books between now and then and bring them with you !
Mr T
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