Tuesday 30 October 2018

Unit 2 The Business of Travel and Tourism P1 Part 1

Dear Year 13

The wonderful Lucy has come up with a great idea for the evidence creation of P1 for Unit 2.

Why not make a website like the Google Sites exemplar here
Thanks for sharing Lucy your fab.

Areas to research for P1 - so that you pass it first time! and the assignment with deadline dates that we agreed in lesson is here also

Public sector

  • Government departments DCMS  fund and co-ordinate government controlled activiites
  • Government controlled - Visit Britain and the Department for transport
  • Local government controlled - Belfast City Council, Birmingham City Council City of London these organisations are based on visitor numbers and quality rather than financial success and revenue that they generate
  • Membership - These organisations are funded from public money, but also raises income through membership subscriptions. Example: English HeritageIn 2008-09 membership of English Heritage stood at 687,000 (972,800 including corporate members)

Private sector

Geographical impact - local - regional - national - international - global
All businesses operate in geographical regions.

  • a local example would be independent travel agents operating in your town
  • a regional example would be a Regional developmen tagency (RDA) or a local economic partnership (LEP) try an find an exapmple of either
  • a national example would be a tourist board such as Visit Wales

Importance to UK economy - Heritage Tourism - Visit Britain - Government Report

Inbound - Visit Britain

Outbound - Visit portugal

Domestic tourism - Visit Britain and Visit England

Hope it helps and that your doing as much work as I am !

Mr T

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