Monday, 2 February 2015

Yr 10 Mosaic Challenge day

Good morning year 10

Welcome to this year’s Enterprise Challenge competition where you will compete in an online business simulation game that replicates the real world, and complete a questionnaire about ethical business and sustainability.

This year’s competition is bigger than ever before, with over 4,000 students taking part nationwide! Competition will be fierce but it will be good fun, as well as rewarding. Last year’s winners received:
  • A cheque for £2500 for their school
  • £500 to invest in a social enterprise which benefits their school
  • A winner’s trophy
  • A winner’s medal
  • iPads
  • The chance to meet all the Dragons from BBC hit show Dragons Den
  • VIP seats at Cirque du Soleil’s amazing Dralion show at the O2 Arena
  • Tickets to the Entrepreneurs Organisation Unlimited Conference and the chance to network with hundreds of successful entrepreneurs
  • A tour of Clarence House, the London residence of HRH The Prince of Wales
  • A chauffer driven Jaguar XJL and a Jaguar Land Rover Discovery to take them to their different prizes

Session 1 - Period 1 - To introduce the Enterprise Challenge, get to know mentors and students introduce the ideas of business concepts and the basic principles of business
  • Welcome Mentors - Rob, Mike, Louise, Ian
  • Promotional video introduction click here
  • Ice-breaker - Rob
  • Individual - Key term quiz - Rob
  • Group work - Finance , sales, Production, Marketing
  • Mentor discussion - marketing the brand
  • Issue team username and passwords
  • Link to game and printed instructions - Online game play here
Session 2 - Period 2 Aims and Objectives - Enhance student familiarity with the game
  • Username and password info - every game cycle needs to finish and save
  • Do not use login details individually as the data may be corrupted
  • Mentor demonstrates game play
  • Which product will you choose?
  • What should our team sales strategy be?
  • How much should we spend on sales and Marketing
  • How should we alter the product costs to maximise profit?
  • Watch mosaic video introduction to on line game. click here
  • Play game as a group
Session 3 - Period 3 - To build on the idea of ethical business;play the fishing game - Mike
  • Powerpoint on sustainability click here
  • Lets watch the video here to see if you are right
  • Confirm definitions using the slides
  • What are stakeholders - Discuss the powerpoint slide
Move into teams to discuss:
  • What is the purpose of a business?
  • Who are the companies stakeholders?
  • Identify some global businesses and the social and environmental impacts these businesses have ?
  • Customers and consumers are they treated fairly?
  • Workplace - Is everyone paid fairly?
  • Community - Do these businesses cause disruption in the communities they operate in?Environment - Do these businesses use a lot of natural resources?
  • Supply chain - Do these businesses buy their supplies from sustainable sources?
  • Fishing Game video - click here
  • Fishing game rules click here
  1. What would you do differently to be more successful next time
  2. Why is over-fishing happening in our fishing industries?
  3. In what industries do similar problems arise?
  4. What are some of the solutions to situations like this?

Session 4 - Period 4 - To cement the ideas of ethical business; to consider case study examples ahead of student assessment
  • Recap previous sessions.  Once you are comfortable with the concepts you are then free to choose a case study from the list below:|
  1. McDonalds
  2. Marks and Spencer
  3. TOMS is a social enterprise
  • Login and answer Quiz Questions here
Session 5 - Tutor time - Enhance students ability to play the game
  • Mentors to play the game with their teams
  • make sure a complete three year cycle is completed to record a score
Session 6 - Period 5 - To complete any outstanding competition tasks and gain appreciation of the factors involved in accruing high net profit and how that can be reconciled with ethical practice
  • This is your last session to play the game today and record a record braking score and win yourself a place in the final
Before you leave could you please complete the online feedback questionnaire here

This is just a start up session to get you familiar with this opportunity.  You can continue playing this game up until the 13th of February and win your place in the UK final if you've got what it takes!

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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