Thursday 2 October 2014

P4 Describe how skills for the business will be resourced

Dear Year 12

Once  you have done P3 you now need to think about other skills that you need to consider developing and put into your training plan.

Some great opportunities to develop your transferable business skills include:

This L2 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship course is expecting you to launch a micro enterprise.  Now that you have identified your personal skills development you will now need to look at what skills you will need to start up your real business.

These could include:

  • Business Planning Training - how to write a business plan
  • Financial planning and book keeping - how to keep accounts
  • Managing people - how to manage a team of people
  • Calculating payroll, employee tax and national insurance contributions - PAYE
  • VAT - How to calculate your VAT 
  • Vocational courses - how to get qualifications at the correct level in Health and Safety, Food Hygiene and First Aid

Your research needs to focus on where you can get these skills and this training.  For a solid P4 PASS you need to find out local suppliers who can provide this training and tell me what this training will be and how much it will cost. Examples of this include: 

Princess Trust
Shell Live Wire
Business Link

Recording your evidence for P4

Your 'training plan' could be created on this document.  It is a list of things you would like to 
do to turn your weaknesses in to strengths and the skills and training that you need to reduce the risk of failing when you set up a business

It is these skills that will also make your application to a potential job role more attractive and allow you to be successful when applying for both jobs, further courses and university. 

At interview you will often be asked to give evidence of how you can demonstrate that you have these skills and it will be your practical understanding that will allow you to do this.

Deadline for P4 is Wednesday 8th October 2014 4pm


Mr T

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