Wednesday, 8 June 2011

P5 Input - Identifying realistic job opportunities

Good afternoon year 10

Today were going to look at job roles that you may or may not have considered before.

To do this we will look at the software form connextions called Kudos.

The website that you will need to visit is - once you have the page open click
launch Kudos and then click use Kudos

Instructions for loggin in are below:

As you have not got an account for this I will ask Mr Coakley to get you the license code so that you can set one up. Make a note of your username and password in your planner as you might like to visit this again between now and the end of year 11.

Once logged in your going to carry out the activity

Match careers to my likes and dislikes.  To start this set the qualification level to level 2 and answer the first 50 plus questions on the screen using the grading system 'like to dislike'.  It will rememeber your answers and suggest a few potential careers.  Complete the next 59 questions and youll be amazed at how good it is at suggesting more accurate career choices that you may consider.

Print off the details on the top three along with the qualifications knowledge and skills you will need to develop for this role and save the details in your folder.

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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